Take Action on Empty Homes


How you can get involved


We want everyone to be talking about how empty homes are wasted opportunities to:

  • increase housing stock

  • revitalise neighbourhoods where there are high numbers of unloved empties

  • reduce the need for new builds, particularly on the edges of existing communities

  • reduce the need for so many new builds, which we know ‘costs’ far more in carbon emissions than recycling housing stock that already exists

  • retrofit our housing stock, taking the ‘vacancy opportunity’ to future-proof our homes

To help campaign and raise awareness you can:

  1. Follow us, and share our work, on your socials (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Bluesky)

  2. Write to your MP

  3. Sign our letter to the Government

  4. Sign up BELOW to our newsletter so you can be involved in any action or campaigns

Think local. We are creating a community area; a place for people around the country to share ideas and practical advice and info about retrofitting empty homes in their areas, to network and campaign together to bring empty homes back into use. If you would like to be one of the first to join this free community space, subscribe to our newsletter below to hear when it goes live. In the meantime, take a look at our community resources for support on what you can achieve.

Consider Donating to us - we’re a small but mighty team working to support those bringing empty homes back into use and change policies around housing vacancy. Anything you can spare will help take action on empty homes.

Volunteer your time to support our work

Start a fundraiser! As a small team who rely solely on grants and donations to keep our important work going, we always appreciate donations, small and large. If you don’t feel able to donate, but you enjoy organising events or setting a challenge for yourself that might raise money for us, whilst also raising local awareness about the empty homes issue, please consider throwing an Empty Homes Fundraiser. You can find our Paypal page here to direct people towards.

Become a Local Contact - we are building a network of local contacts. You might want to get involved in campaigning on empty homes as a housing justice issue or work with others in your community to refurbish empty homes.  Get in touch with us to put yourself forward as a contact.

FINDING your local data here then talk about empty homes - bring them up in discussions about the housing crisis. Because it’s not ok that there are over 1million empty homes, whilst over 325,000 people are in temporary accommodation.

REPORT an empty home