
We provide a wide range of consulting services drawing on our deep experience and established expertise in the field of empty homes. We are able to take on projects such as:

Creating an Empty Homes Strategy

  • Scoping and assessing current situation, including assets and current resources and potential partnership opportunities. Helping to establish target outcomes. 

  • Creation of policy document offering a robust framework to shape implementation  

  • Recommendations on implementation following adoption of strategy, including examples of best practice, mainstream and innovative approaches, and a menu of options for officers implementing strategy

  • Presentation by AEH team to senior officers and policy team  

Creating a Business Case for Empty Homes work

  • Scoping current situation, including key challenges, an assessment of need and opportunities

  • Appraisal of benefits and risks

  • Deep dive into potential partnerships, understanding of shared ambitions and overlap

  • Clear lead on timescales and costs involved

Demonstrating Impact

  • Evaluation techniques, looking beyond numbers

  • Appraisal of wider benefits: from Social Return on Investment to CROI – Community Return on Investment, health and wellbeing impacts

  • The wider implications for Net Zero targets, building nw ‘green skills’  and the creation of sustainable local supply chains

  • Evaluation techniques

Our previous consultancy work has included:

  • Business case development for empty homes work to gain funding

  • Creation of Empty Homes Strategy

  • Working with a local authority to scope the potential commercial proposals for bringing empty homes into use  for inclusion in an Empty Homes Strategy

Get in touch about consultancy:

Brighid Carey,

Consultnacy and Project Manager
