National Empty Homes Week 2024
Finders International are proud supporters of National Empty Homes Week and the local initiatives it focuses on, towards bringing empty properties back into use.
Dorset Council
West View had been empty and abandoned for many years. Ground floor windows and doors were boarded up and the front courtyard overgrown.
The buildings’s journey from eyesore to home has taken just under three years. In that time the owners were traced, the purchase negotiated, funding acquired for the renovation, the necessary works specified, a main contractor; Stepnell appointed, and the work completed.
Who will live at West View?
Single adults who the Council has a duty to accommodate will live at West View.
What support will be provided?
The Housing Team at Dorset Council will work with the occupants to get them settled and ‘signed up’. The help on offer will be wide ranging including support with getting benefits, help with future housing choices and generally removing any barriers towards a move onto a more permanent home.
How long will residents stay at West View?
It’s intended that West View will provide temporary accommodation and a ‘steppingstone’ onto a more permanent home. For this reason most occupants will only live at West View for a short period of time.
The building now provides a safe, warm home for 6 local people in urgent housing need. ‘On site’ support provided from a private ground floor office will enable occupants to be supported onto the next stage of their journey to a more permanent home.
Temporary accommodation of this kind is in short supply in this part of the county, so this is a real boost to Dorset Councils local housing offer.
Win, win, win.
West View represents a win, win, win for Dorset Council and residents. A long-term empty home has been renovated and restored to use. Much needed temporary accommodation has been delivered to this part of the county. There will also be a long-term saving on temporary bed and breakfast costs.
The building now provides a safe, warm home for 6 local people in urgent housing need. ‘On site’ support provided from a private ground floor office will enable occupants to be supported onto the next stage of their journey to a more permanent home.
Temporary accommodation of this kind is in short supply in this part of the county, so this is a real boost to Dorset Councils local housing offer.