Finders International are proud supporters of National Empty Homes Week and the local initiatives it focuses on, towards bringing empty properties back into use.
Brent Council
Family moves into converted empty home with wheelchair access after Brent Council issue owner with grant
A family has moved into a converted empty property with disabled access after the landlord received an empty property grant from the council.
When the residential building in Brampton Road, Queensbury, became vacant in 2018, Brent’s empty property team located the owner and encouraged him to convert the dilapidated house into two three-bedroom flats.
Following advice, the owner’s submitted a planning application, which included the adaptation of the ground floor flat to make it suitable for wheelchair use. The converted ground floor home now includes step-free access, a wet room and a kitchen fitted at a lower level for a wheelchair user.
A mother-of-three was able to move into the property with her husband and children, aged 12, 14 and 15 years old, after the conversion’s completion last year.
“I was living in unsuitable accommodation in Craven Park for five or six years,” said the mother-of-three. “Following the birth of my son, I was left with health issues which mean that I now find it difficult to walk and climb stairs. I was in such pain and suffering and desperate to move out of the accommodation I was living in due to the stairs.
“I was so happy when we received the offer of this flat. The flat is so nice, the rooms are spacious and nicely decorated, and I thank you for making this property so nice for me and my family.”
Councillor Promise Knight, Cabinet Member for Housing, Homelessness and Renters’ Security, said: “We’re delighted to hear how much of a difference this new home has made to a mother and her family’s quality of life. We’re committed to reducing the number of empty properties in Brent and can offer generous grants and incentive schemes to help owners bring properties back into residential use.”
Homeowners who leave a property empty are likely to see the condition and value of their property depreciate. An empty property could be the target of arson, vandalism, squatters and attract pests. From 1 April 2024, owners of homes left empty for more than a year will be charged twice the usual Council Tax rate. This premium will increase the longer the property remains empty.